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It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 EmptyIt's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 I_back_catgIt's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty 
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 It's just another night at the Vampire Club

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Sex Sex : Female
Mesaje Mesaje : 81
Kwan Kwan : 84

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 1

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 12:40 am

Fata studie cu atentie constructia, iar un zambet admirativ ii flutura pe buze.
- In locul din care vin eu, oamenii se tarasc in mizerie si saracie, iar aici... numai bogatie si armonie pretutindeni.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Xm7582
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Name : George
Sex Sex : Male
Mesaje Mesaje : 32631
Kwan Kwan : 120027
Varsta Varsta : 38
Localizare Localizare : Fairytopia, la capatul curcubeului

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 4

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 1:13 am

-Si unde e acest loc? Intreb eu curioasa.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Sa110
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Sex Sex : Female
Mesaje Mesaje : 81
Kwan Kwan : 84

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 1

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 1:21 am

- E destul de complicat si o voi da in bara cu explicatiile. Sunt noua in lumea asta, asa ca nu prea stiu cum sta treaba, zise Marie trecandu-si mana prin par, apoi continua: Intr-o dimensiune paralela cu aceasta exista o planeta numita 'Terra' locuita de oameni. Pur si simplu, oameni: anosti, fara puteri, fara prea multa tehnologie si fara prea mult creier. In lumea in care am trait inca exista probleme ca foametea in unele tari, iar poluarea a atins un nivel alarmant, astfel incat populatia e din ce in ce mai bolnava. Desigur, nimeni cu face cu adevarat ceva pentru a gasi solutii aplicabile.
Marie se opri, purtata de ganduri spre trecutul sau.
- Mica si slaba rasa umana...!

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Xm7582
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Name : George
Sex Sex : Male
Mesaje Mesaje : 32631
Kwan Kwan : 120027
Varsta Varsta : 38
Localizare Localizare : Fairytopia, la capatul curcubeului

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 4

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 1:31 am

-A, da o cunosc. Dimensiunea a 3-a, lumea oamenilor.Dar nu ma asteptam ca tu sa vii de acolo. Sunt multi vampiri nascuti aici in dimensiunea a 5-a. Doar cei transformati provin de pe erra dar sunt Dar nu poti distinge vampirii nascuti fata de cei transformati decat daca iti spun ei asta.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Sa110
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Sex Sex : Female
Mesaje Mesaje : 81
Kwan Kwan : 84

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 1

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 1:38 am

- Intr-adevar, sunt un vampir inferior, dar perspectiva de a fi distrusa candva nu ma sperie. Ba chiar as fi recunoscatoare celui care ar face-o. Oricum... Am nevoie de sange imediat, deja am amanat prea mult.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Xm7582
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Name : George
Sex Sex : Male
Mesaje Mesaje : 32631
Kwan Kwan : 120027
Varsta Varsta : 38
Localizare Localizare : Fairytopia, la capatul curcubeului

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 4

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 2:00 am

-Bine haide sa spun su si o duc in subsolul palatului unde era un laborator imens mare cat un oras subteran. O duc la dulapul cu sange. Era un dulap bine organizat pe grupe de sange si pe specii umane. Si avea la fiecare grupa de sange sute de sticle. Undeva pe raftul cel mai de jos era si sangele de om.
Totul era etichetat.
-Seveste-te. La o fiola nu cred ca va simti cineva lipsa. Nu au cum sa observe disparitia unei singure fiole din mii de fiole.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Sa110
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Sex Sex : Female
Mesaje Mesaje : 81
Kwan Kwan : 84

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 1

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 2:07 am

Marie alese grupa 01. Mana ii tremura in timp ce lua fiola si o ducea spre buze. Dac-ar fi fost om, s-ar fi zis ca avea o criza; lipsa de harana era cauza.
Desi fiola era de dimensiuni normale, continea mult lichid. Marie descoperi acest fapt cu multa incantare. Nu ii oferea aceeasi placere ca si vanatoarea si sfasierea arterei victimei, dar cel putin ii dadea energia necesara supravietuirii.
Trupul inceta sa-i mai tremure.
- Mult mai bine, spuse ea.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Xm7582
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Name : George
Sex Sex : Male
Mesaje Mesaje : 32631
Kwan Kwan : 120027
Varsta Varsta : 38
Localizare Localizare : Fairytopia, la capatul curcubeului

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 4

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 2:17 am

-Ma bucur pentru tine. Acum hai sa incuiem aici si sa plecam pana nu se intorc matusile mele.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Sa110
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Sex Sex : Female
Mesaje Mesaje : 81
Kwan Kwan : 84

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 1

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 2:18 am

- De curiozitate, spuse ea in timp ce o privea pe Sanara incuind laboratorul, ce ne-ar face matusile tale daca ne-ar prinde?

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Xm7582
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Name : George
Sex Sex : Male
Mesaje Mesaje : 32631
Kwan Kwan : 120027
Varsta Varsta : 38
Localizare Localizare : Fairytopia, la capatul curcubeului

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 4

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 3:00 am

-Tu ai scapa probabil cu ceva usor fiindca vrajile nu au efect asupra vampirilor. Ai scapa cu munca. Sa muncesti pentru ele. Eu insa nu se stie ce vraja le va veni in minte.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Sa110
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Sex Sex : Female
Mesaje Mesaje : 81
Kwan Kwan : 84

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 1

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 3:02 am

- Eu, sclava unor zane sclipitoare?! spuse Marie cu dispret. Am avut multe de suportat, dar am si eu mandria mea. Bine ca nu s-a intamplat nimic, am avut parte de suficiente zane pentru o zi.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Xm7582
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Name : George
Sex Sex : Male
Mesaje Mesaje : 32631
Kwan Kwan : 120027
Varsta Varsta : 38
Localizare Localizare : Fairytopia, la capatul curcubeului

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 4

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 3:10 am

Iesim de acolo si bine ca matusile inca mai intarziau. Si nici sora mea nu era acasa.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Sa110
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Sex Sex : Female
Mesaje Mesaje : 81
Kwan Kwan : 84

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 1

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 3:14 am

- A fost destul de interesant, spuse Marie. Data viitoare cand mai vii pe taramul vampirilor, pastreaza-ti marimea obisnuita, altfel iar ajungi legata de un copac.
Se intoarse si isi desfacu iarasi aripile, pregatita se decoleze.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Xm7582
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Name : George
Sex Sex : Male
Mesaje Mesaje : 32631
Kwan Kwan : 120027
Varsta Varsta : 38
Localizare Localizare : Fairytopia, la capatul curcubeului

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 4

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 3:20 am

-Bine, multmesc de sfat o sa tin minte. Ii spun eu.
-Dar stii ca un vampir ar putea sama lege de copac chiar si daca as aveam arimea obisnuita, nu? Daca el intentioneaza sa imi suga sangele neaparat.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Sa110
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Sex Sex : Female
Mesaje Mesaje : 81
Kwan Kwan : 84

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 1

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 13, 2013 1:07 am

Marie o priveste atat dezaprobatoare, cat si amuzata. Ridicand o spranceana, zise:
- Ma intreb cine ar fi atat de disperat incat sa bea sange sclipitor de zana.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Xm7582
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Name : George
Sex Sex : Male
Mesaje Mesaje : 32631
Kwan Kwan : 120027
Varsta Varsta : 38
Localizare Localizare : Fairytopia, la capatul curcubeului

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 4

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 13, 2013 1:38 am

-Poate niste novici nestiutori si care prefera sa bea sangele ca pe bere pana raman fara.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Sa110
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Sex Sex : Female
Mesaje Mesaje : 81
Kwan Kwan : 84

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 1

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 13, 2013 1:48 am

- Nici eu nu sunt un geniu, dar totusi... Sange de zana, murmur clatinand din cap. Ah, ai pomenit de bere... Unul din putinele lucruri bune din lumea oamenilor, adaug. Si chiar daca as gasi aici, n-as putea sa o beau. Oricum, Sanara, ti s-a intamplat sa fii luata drept cina si de altcineva in afara de mine?

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Xm7582
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Name : George
Sex Sex : Male
Mesaje Mesaje : 32631
Kwan Kwan : 120027
Varsta Varsta : 38
Localizare Localizare : Fairytopia, la capatul curcubeului

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 4

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 13, 2013 2:04 am

-De alti vampiri nu. De altcineva da. Ei bine de uriasi si dragoni.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Sa110
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Sex Sex : Female
Mesaje Mesaje : 81
Kwan Kwan : 84

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 1

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 13, 2013 2:12 am

- Chiar ca in aceasta lume nu ai cum sa te plictisesti! Ar trebui sa ma aventurez si eu mai mult pe-aici, poate reusesc sa il gasesc si pe cel care m-a facut. Oricum. Hei, sclipirici, trebuie sa ramai aici pana vin matusile tale sau ai chef sa o faci putin pe ghidul si pentru mine?

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Xm7582
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Name : George
Sex Sex : Male
Mesaje Mesaje : 32631
Kwan Kwan : 120027
Varsta Varsta : 38
Localizare Localizare : Fairytopia, la capatul curcubeului

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 4

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 13, 2013 2:24 am

Prefer sa o fac pe ghidul. Ii raspund eu razand la porecla care mi-o daduse ea.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Sa110
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Sex Sex : Female
Mesaje Mesaje : 81
Kwan Kwan : 84

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 1

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 13, 2013 2:36 am

- Perfect!
Raman pe ganduri o vreme, imi trec vadit enervata mana prin par, apoi ii spun zanei:
- Nu stiu ce era in sangele ala, dar ma simt... *strambandu-ma a dezgust* de treaba. Ai face bine sa nu ai niciun amestec in treaba asta ciudata. Asa. Acum hotaraste-te unde vrei sa ma duci. Dar fara soare.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Xm7582
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Name : George
Sex Sex : Male
Mesaje Mesaje : 32631
Kwan Kwan : 120027
Varsta Varsta : 38
Localizare Localizare : Fairytopia, la capatul curcubeului

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 4

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 13, 2013 2:43 am

-Pai vrei in alta parte sau vrei sa te intorci in Transylvmania?

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Sa110
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Sex Sex : Female
Mesaje Mesaje : 81
Kwan Kwan : 84

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 1

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 13, 2013 2:50 am

- M-am cam lamurit in privinta vampirilor, zau. Vreau sa vad alte locuri.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Xm7582
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Name : George
Sex Sex : Male
Mesaje Mesaje : 32631
Kwan Kwan : 120027
Varsta Varsta : 38
Localizare Localizare : Fairytopia, la capatul curcubeului

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 4

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 13, 2013 2:57 am

-Ce zici de Mlastinile Hinderland sau de Codrul Intunecat?

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Sa110

Last edited by Sanara on Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:51 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sex Sex : Female
Mesaje Mesaje : 81
Kwan Kwan : 84

Foaie de personaj
Hrana dragon Hrana dragon: 1

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 13, 2013 3:02 am

- Codrul suna mult mai bine, am zis, dand usor din aripi. Ce creaturi il populeaza? Doar ca sa stiu.

It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Xm7582
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PostSubject: Re: It's just another night at the Vampire Club   It's just another night at the Vampire Club - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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It's just another night at the Vampire Club
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